Health Office
HEALTH CENTER HOURS: The health office will be open from 8:20 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. It is closed for lunch, but the nurse will be available for students with urgent needs, such as a fever, vomiting, asthma, and emergency situations.
HEALTH CONDITIONS: Inform us by email, phone, or in person if your child has an underlying or chronic health condition. Also, let us know when your child has a significant injury or visits an urgent care/emergency room during non-school hours so we can follow-up and monitor during the school day.
ILLNESS/INJURY: If your child becomes ill or injured during the school day he/she can be seen and evaluated by the school nurse, or on occasion, a substitute nurse. The health office staff will contact you, if needed, about your child’s illness/injury.
To prevent spread of illnesses/conditions and to help reduce overall absences, DO NOT send your child to school with the following:
- Fever of 100 degrees or higher within 24 hours of the start of the school day
- Vomiting or diarrhea episode(s) during the night or in the morning before school
- Persistent cough, large amount of nasal drainage, discolored nasal drainage
- Unidentified or contagious rash or open, draining sores
If a student has a fever, he/she must be fever free (with no medication) for 24 hours before returning to school.
MEDICATION: A parent/guardian must provide and deliver to the Health Office any medication (prescription and over-the-counter) a child might need to take during the school day. The medication must be in its original packaging; if it is prescription medication, the pharmacy label must be attached. You will need to complete and sign a medication administration form for each medication you provide. Per district policy (with very few exceptions - such as diabetic supplies, some inhalers and EpiPens), students may not have any medication in their possession on campus; all medication must be kept in the health office.
EMERGENCY/MEDICAL INFORMATION CARDS: Health History is a part of the enrollment and annual enrollment verification process.
Emergency information should be kept current online through ParentVUE: Emergency Contacts – The names and current phone numbers of emergency contacts (those people who a parent authorizes to pick up a child in the event of an emergency or if a parent cannot be reached) are maintained in our database (ParentVUE). Please keep emergency contacts updated at all times. Children will only be released to those adults listed on the emergency list in the student database with prior consent of the guardian.
Phone: 480-484-4011